Project Management (English)

A. Zarrin
Vor Ort
Startdatum und Ort

Project Management (English)

Dimensions | Lean-Scrum-Agile-Projectmanagement
Logo von Dimensions | Lean-Scrum-Agile-Projectmanagement
Bewertung: starstarstarstarstar_half 9,1 Bildungsangebote von Dimensions | Lean-Scrum-Agile-Projectmanagement haben eine durchschnittliche Bewertung von 9,1 (aus 147 Bewertungen)

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Durchschnittliche Bewertung für Project Management (English)
Berechnet aus 4 Bewertungen Alle Bewertungen lesenchevron_right
Jonathan van Melle
Project Management (English)

"Deze cursus geeft een goed inzicht in wat er bij komt kijken om een project van de grond te starten. De heer Zarrin heeft zeer veel ervaring en daarom kan hij goed antwoord geven met duidelijke voorbeelden uit de praktijkt. Dit heeft mij nu al geholpen in mijn dagelijkse werk!" - 26.10.2021 18:19

"Deze cursus geeft een goed inzicht in wat er bij komt kijken om een project van de grond te starten. De heer Zarrin heeft zeer veel ervaring… Gesamte Bewertung lesen - 26.10.2021 18:19

Startdaten und Startorte

19. Feb 2025 bis 21. Feb 2025
3. Mär 2025 bis 5. Mär 2025
placeDen Haag
12. Mär 2025 bis 14. Mär 2025
19. Mär 2025 bis 21. Mär 2025
27. Mär 2025 bis 29. Mär 2025
check_circle Garantierte Durchführung
2. Apr 2025 bis 4. Apr 2025
placeDen Haag
9. Apr 2025 bis 11. Apr 2025
21. Apr 2025 bis 23. Apr 2025
check_circle Garantierte Durchführung
30. Apr 2025 bis 2. Mai 2025
placeDen Haag
19. Mai 2025 bis 21. Mai 2025
28. Mai 2025 bis 30. Mai 2025
4. Jun 2025 bis 6. Jun 2025
25. Jun 2025 bis 27. Jun 2025



Waarom kiezen voor Dimensions Training?

  1. Wij zijn een team van deskundige trainers met minstens 20 jaar praktijkervaring en zijn deskundig in het verzorgen van inspirerende trainingen;
  2. We hebben een uniek trainingsaanpak ontwikkeld Effectieve Agile Learning Method © (i-DEPOT nummer: 121740) om je leerervaring te optimaliseren.
  3. Wij bieden waar voor je geld ‘Value for money’. Al onze trainingen zijn inclusief: 
  • Gratis intake (30 minuten)
  • Gratis persoonlijk leerplan
  • Gratis follow-up of terugkom-sessie met je eigen trainer (1 uur)
  • Gratis examen voorbeelden
  • Geselecteerde bronnen voor zelfstudie
  • Begeleiding en informatie over examens
  • Mogelijkheid om examenvouchers te bestellen
  • Zakelijke lunch en versnaperingen
  • Lidmaatschap van de LinkedIn-groep om kennis en ervaringen te delen
  • Dimensions Training Certificaat
  • 10% korting op uurtarief voor extra follow-up sessies, coaching of consulting
  • 10% korting voor in-company trainingen die door jouw bedrijf worden geregeld
  • 50 euro korting of een e-gift voor je volgende cursusinschrijving 
  • E-gift ter waarde van 50 euro voor het aanbrengen van een andere cursist voor open-inschrijvingen

This practical training improves your skills to effectively manage your projects!

What does the Project Management training entail?

Project management is an important tool to realize new products, services or changes. Today, successful project management is more than delivering project results according to the project plan. More and more often a project is considered successful; when, in addition to the client and the project team, other stakeholders are also happy with the result. As a project manager you are concerned with the following questions, such as:

  • How do you obtain a clear and executable project assignment?
  • How do you choose the best project approach?
  • How do you set up …

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Noch nicht den perfekten Kurs gefunden? Verwandte Themen: Englisch, Projektmanagement, Interkulturelle Kompetenzen, Französisch und Russisch.


Waarom kiezen voor Dimensions Training?

  1. Wij zijn een team van deskundige trainers met minstens 20 jaar praktijkervaring en zijn deskundig in het verzorgen van inspirerende trainingen;
  2. We hebben een uniek trainingsaanpak ontwikkeld Effectieve Agile Learning Method © (i-DEPOT nummer: 121740) om je leerervaring te optimaliseren.
  3. Wij bieden waar voor je geld ‘Value for money’. Al onze trainingen zijn inclusief: 
  • Gratis intake (30 minuten)
  • Gratis persoonlijk leerplan
  • Gratis follow-up of terugkom-sessie met je eigen trainer (1 uur)
  • Gratis examen voorbeelden
  • Geselecteerde bronnen voor zelfstudie
  • Begeleiding en informatie over examens
  • Mogelijkheid om examenvouchers te bestellen
  • Zakelijke lunch en versnaperingen
  • Lidmaatschap van de LinkedIn-groep om kennis en ervaringen te delen
  • Dimensions Training Certificaat
  • 10% korting op uurtarief voor extra follow-up sessies, coaching of consulting
  • 10% korting voor in-company trainingen die door jouw bedrijf worden geregeld
  • 50 euro korting of een e-gift voor je volgende cursusinschrijving 
  • E-gift ter waarde van 50 euro voor het aanbrengen van een andere cursist voor open-inschrijvingen

This practical training improves your skills to effectively manage your projects!

What does the Project Management training entail?

Project management is an important tool to realize new products, services or changes. Today, successful project management is more than delivering project results according to the project plan. More and more often a project is considered successful; when, in addition to the client and the project team, other stakeholders are also happy with the result. As a project manager you are concerned with the following questions, such as:

  • How do you obtain a clear and executable project assignment?
  • How do you choose the best project approach?
  • How do you set up an effective project organization?
  • How do you lead project team(s)?
  • How do you manage suppliers?
  • How do you deliver project results?
  • How do you manage project risks?
  • How do you manage client, team member, supplier and other stakeholder expectations?
  • In this training you will learn the subject of project management from a very experienced trainer. You can get started immediately afterwards to achieve even more success as a project manager.

Learning objectives

After completing the project management training: 

  • Are you familiar with project management jargon and the most common project management methodologies such as AgilePM, Prince2, IPMA, PMP and Project-based Creation?
  • Can you work better in a project-based way
  • Can you organize projects in a structured way
  • Do you know the management aspects of projects such as Money, Organization, Risks, Benefits, Scope, Quality, Information/Communication and Time
  • Improve your budgeting, planning and risk management
  • Writing a realistic and substantiated project plan with the right project approach and creating support for it
  • Better keep projects on track and adjust where necessary
  • Are you better able to manage management aspects of projects?
  • Can you use various templates and checklists for your projects
  • Can you ensure that your project results land well in the organization for more success in achieving the project goals
  • Do you know how to evaluate and close projects
  • Do you know the most necessary competencies of a project manager and how you can develop them further
  • Have you practiced important hard and soft skills for successfully managing projects?
  • Can you communicate more convincingly with your colleagues, clients and other stakeholders in a project


The following topics can be covered in the training according to the needs of the participants:

Focus day 1: setting up a project 

  • Introducing of the training & Creating your own Personal Development Plan (PDP) for project management
  • D three basic working methods
  • What is a project?
  • What is project-based working and when can you use it?
  • The course or life cycle of a project
  • What is project management and who is a project manager?
  • The 5 principles of project-based working
  • Project management standards such as PRINCE2, Agile Project Management, Project Based Creation and IPMA;
  • Dividing, phasing and planning projects
  • Manage and direct projects professionally
  • The DPR model: determining project goal, problem definition and result
  • How do you substantiate the why of your project (the business case)?
  • The project design and the organization concerned;
  • Determining scope and project definition
  • How to ensure the delivery of the right quality? 
  • How do you make a realistic plan?
  • How do you ensure a realistic project budget and its proper control? 
  • How do you manage project risks?
  • How do you ensure effective project communication?

Focus day 2: carrying out a project

  • How do you choose the right approach for your project?  
  • How do you make a realistic, well-founded and executable project plan or plan of approach? 
  • How do you ensure support for your project (plan)?
  • How can you keep your project on track during execution?
  • How do you ensure (more) satisfied stakeholders with different interests?
  • How do you deal with different types of resistance and how do you manage conflict?
  • Project evaluation and closing with care 
  • Avoiding the most common pitfalls
  • Take aways (+ participants go home with their own POP)

Focus day 3: reflection and deepening

  • Your own project case or project plan
  • Change management for projects
  • Self-reflection on own POP and experiences 
  • Working with core quadrants, Belbin and MBTI for more self & people knowledge
  • active listening
  • Giving and receiving feedback / perfection game
  • 14 Influencing Styles for Project Managers
  • Successful persuasion
  • Dealing effectively with conflict and negotiation
  • Leadership styles and working with models that do work such as Team Development (Tuckman), Situational Leadership (Hersey & Blanchard), Empowerment (YOU-I-WE model) and Team Effectiveness Model
  • Intervisions in small groups or coaching conversations – Bring Your Critical Case 
  • Certification options
  • Take aways (+ participants go home with their own POP)

Target audience

This Project Management training is suitable for business managers, (future) project leaders, managers, employees, leaders working in profit and non-profit organizations.

Prior knowledge

Bachelor’s degree or higher.


The course description gives a good indication of what the training looks like. However, the content can differ per workout. These differences depend on any prior knowledge, practical experience and participant learning objectives. In preliminary individual intake interviews, the participant's learning objectives are inventoried. On this basis, the final training program for the training is determined.

Training form

The project management training alternates theory with application discussions of own work situations and practical situations. This is where the presented theory is applied. The feedback to their own work situations is especially important, because the course participants are given the opportunity to immediately apply what they have learned in their own environment. The course material therefore has many practical overviews and checklists. Participants can use this material in addition to their own work.

The training is provided based on the Effective Agile Learning Method©

Course materials

The training material for the Project Management training contains supporting tools to set up a project plan and a risk analysis. The course book is the bestseller 'Project Management' by Roel Grit (edition 8) including project step plans, checklists, overviews and cases. You can order this book yourself at or through us at extra cost. To get more out of your training, we strongly advise you to read the course book in advance.

Training types

There are the following options to follow this training:

  • Online (via Zoom or Teams) with live expert trainer with pre-planned dates
  • In a classroom at one of our training locations with pre-planned dates 
  • Individual: planning and location in consultation
  • In-company: planning and location in consultation 

We use the measures of RIVM regarding Corona for all training sessions.


There is no official exam for this training. However, following this training makes it  easier to obtain internationally recognized certificates such as Prince2 Foundation or  Prince2 Practitioner , AgilePM Foundation or AgilePM Practitioner, IPMA and PMP because the content of this training transcends the specific PM methodologies by covering the main principles and topics of the most common standards. For more information or advice on certification, please contact us.


Upon completion of the training, a Dimensions Training certificate will be issued as proof of participation.

Investment, location, duration and starting dates

Please check our website for details.

Our clients

Unilever, T-mobile, Philips, CocaCola, Shimano, Nespresso, Allianz, Vodafone Ziggo, RaboBank, Heineken, Ecco, Group 2000, PAC, Staples, Skoop, IBO, Twinsense, Total Reality, Modere, Steinweg, Gebroeders Kok, Eco Result, Achmea, AMG, Telfort, Wolters Kluwer, Railion Benelux, Idexx, Tata Steel Group, SEO, Van Oord, VVV Nederland, Agrifirm, Gas Unie, Eneco, NS, De Volksbank, Growth Tribe, Wabtec, Reddata, Nationale Politie, Belastingdienst, Interpolis, Rijkswaterstaat, Ictro, Doktersonline, Superbrave, eHealth Ventures Group, Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken, Ministerie van Defensie, Sociale VerzekeringsBank, HHS, Gemeente Staphorst, Marine Museum, Gemeente Maassluis, Gemeente Amsterdam, Gemeente Eindhoven UMCG, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Hogeschool Den Haag

Affiliate organizations

Franklin Covey

Agile Consortium


RSM Erasmus University

Agile Holland

Agile & Scrum Coaching The Hague

Durchschnittliche Bewertung für Project Management (English)
Berechnet aus 4 Bewertungen
Jonathan van Melle
Project Management (English)

"Deze cursus geeft een goed inzicht in wat er bij komt kijken om een project van de grond te starten. De heer Zarrin heeft zeer veel ervaring en daarom kan hij goed antwoord geven met duidelijke voorbeelden uit de praktijkt. Dit heeft mij nu al geholpen in mijn dagelijkse werk!" - 26.10.2021 18:19

"Deze cursus geeft een goed inzicht in wat er bij komt kijken om een project van de grond te starten. De heer Zarrin heeft zeer veel ervaring… Gesamte Bewertung lesen - 26.10.2021 18:19

Simone Ladisa
Project Management (English)

"Good & interesting training by an expert in the field of project management. Topic covered are both hard skills PM (how to build a project, how to manage and choose the people etc ) and soft skills PM (leadership, communication etc)" - 02.07.2021 13:25

"Good & interesting training by an expert in the field of project management. Topic covered are both hard skills PM (how to build a project, … Gesamte Bewertung lesen - 02.07.2021 13:25

Lisa Posthuma
lisa posthuma
Project Management (English)

"Had a very learningful training from Akbar I really recommend it if you would like to develop your management skills. Nice atmosphere and after the training you still can get help if that is needed. " - 02.07.2021 13:24

"Had a very learningful training from Akbar I really recommend it if you would like to develop your management skills. Nice atmosphere and af… Gesamte Bewertung lesen - 02.07.2021 13:24

Twan Bankers
Project Management (English)

"The training was very interactive and after half a day we threw away the initial agenda and had a training which gives me the tools to put the theory into practice " - 24.09.2020 14:49

"The training was very interactive and after half a day we threw away the initial agenda and had a training which gives me the tools to put t… Gesamte Bewertung lesen - 24.09.2020 14:49

A. Zarrin
A. Zarrin
Lead-trainer en consultant

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