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9 Kurse zur Meditation

Verwandte Themen: Stressmanagement, Achtsamkeit, Resilienz, Umgehen mit Belastungen und Atemtherapie / Breathwork.

Verwandte Themen: Stressmanagement, Achtsamkeit und Resilienz.


The Art Of Meditation

Logo von European Health Foundation

It’s about time for you to learn the art of meditation! With this 10-part video course… You are going to understand the importance of medit…


Mindful Meditation Mastery Courses

Logo von European Health Foundation

This is a course with videos and an E-book on Mindful Meditation Mastery. With this course you will discover ancient and proven methods to …


55 Zen, Meditation and Mindfullness video courses with certificates - with a 50 euros free gift card

Logo von European Health Foundation

These courses come with a 50 euros free gift card from or a 50 USD gift card. ** all courses come with certificates ** A…


Tai Ji Quan und Meditation im Kloster

Logo von BaLIOGO GbR

Tai Ji Quan, das auch als "chinesisches Schattenboxen" bezeichnet wird, ist eine harmonisierende Bewegungslehre aus dem traditionellen Chin…


Balance Coaching / Meditation für Führungskräfte

Logo von Stimmwelten

Stress und Burn Out-Syndrom stellen Mahnmale unserer Zeit dar. Höhere, effizienter Arbeitsleistung in immer kürzerer Zeit, ein ständig anwa…


Successful Meditation

Logo von Stone River eLearning LLC

Consistency is key to meditation. The invitation is to be gentle with yourself. In the beginning set aside 10 minutes per day, Monday to Fr…


Mindfulness Meditation

Logo von Stone River eLearning LLC

This Online Mindfulness Meditation Course Teaches You How Mediation Can Transform Virtually Every Area Of Your Life! Mood, Physical Health,…


Sherwin Nuland: A meditation on hope

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Ted Talk: Surgeon and writer Sherwin Nuland meditates on the idea of hope -- the desire to become our better selves and …


Tibetan Buddhist Meditation and the Modern World: Lesser Vehicle

Logo von Coursera (CC)

About this course: Tibetan Buddhist Meditation and the Modern World explores the immense variety of meditation practices past and present. …