Critical Thinking Problem Solving and Decision Making [GK2895]

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Critical Thinking Problem Solving and Decision Making [GK2895]

Global Knowledge Network Netherlands B.V.
Logo von Global Knowledge Network Netherlands B.V.
Bewertung: starstarstarstarstar_border 7,6 Bildungsangebote von Global Knowledge Network Netherlands B.V. haben eine durchschnittliche Bewertung von 7,6 (aus 177 Bewertungen)

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Durchschnittliche Bewertung für Critical Thinking Problem Solving and Decision Making [GK2895]
Berechnet aus 1 Bewertung Alle Bewertungen lesenchevron_right
Simone Pedroso Albuquerque
Applicatie Consultant E (CLA) (3085008668)
Critical Thinking Problem Solving and Decision Making [GK2895]

"De topic en de structure waren goed. Ik vind altijd lastig om in mixed classroom te werken (online + presential), maar de leraress halde de beste met use cases van alle deelnemers." - 23.10.2024 15:40

"De topic en de structure waren goed. Ik vind altijd lastig om in mixed classroom te werken (online + presential), maar de leraress halde de … Gesamte Bewertung lesen - 23.10.2024 15:40

Startdaten und Startorte

placeNieuwegein (Iepenhoeve 5)
16. Jun 2025 bis 17. Jun 2025
Details ansehen
event 16. Juni 2025, 09:00-16:30, Nieuwegein (Iepenhoeve 5), NL235943.1
event 17. Juni 2025, 09:00-16:30, Nieuwegein (Iepenhoeve 5), NL235943.2
placeNieuwegein (Iepenhoeve 5)
4. Sep 2025 bis 5. Sep 2025
Details ansehen
event 4. September 2025, 09:00-16:30, Nieuwegein (Iepenhoeve 5), NL240278.1
event 5. September 2025, 09:00-16:30, Nieuwegein (Iepenhoeve 5), NL240278.2
4. Sep 2025 bis 5. Sep 2025
Details ansehen
event 4. September 2025, 09:00-16:30, VIRTUAL TRAINING CENTRE, NL240278V.1
event 5. September 2025, 09:00-16:30, VIRTUAL TRAINING CENTRE, NL240278V.2


Ontdek de verschillende trainingsmogelijkheden bij Global Knowledge

Online of op locatie er is altijd een vorm die bij je past.

Kies op welke manier jij of je team graag een training wilt volgen. Global Knowledge bied je verschillende trainingsmogelijkheden. Je kunt kiezen uit o.a. klassikaal, Virtueel Klassikaal (online), e-Learning en maatwerk. Met onze Blended oplossing kun je de verschillende trainingsvormen combineren.


Improve your decision-making capabilities through critical thinking, structured reasoning, and creative problem analysis.

Learn how to be an inventive, logical decision maker by understanding the principles behind critical thinking and the tools used to consistently identify and select the best decision among multiple alternatives. In this course, you'll explore a structured way to approach and dismantle problems with a view toward optimum outcomes.

Applying the techniques of critical thinking allows you to dismantle complex problems and to understand the inputs and implications of your thought processes. By applying problem analysis and good practices you'll be able to develop posi…

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Frequently asked questions

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Noch nicht den perfekten Kurs gefunden? Verwandte Themen: Problemanalyse und -lösung, Mindmapping, Risikoanalyse, Risikoerkennung & Risikoabschätzung und Resilienz.

Ontdek de verschillende trainingsmogelijkheden bij Global Knowledge

Online of op locatie er is altijd een vorm die bij je past.

Kies op welke manier jij of je team graag een training wilt volgen. Global Knowledge bied je verschillende trainingsmogelijkheden. Je kunt kiezen uit o.a. klassikaal, Virtueel Klassikaal (online), e-Learning en maatwerk. Met onze Blended oplossing kun je de verschillende trainingsvormen combineren.


Improve your decision-making capabilities through critical thinking, structured reasoning, and creative problem analysis.

Learn how to be an inventive, logical decision maker by understanding the principles behind critical thinking and the tools used to consistently identify and select the best decision among multiple alternatives. In this course, you'll explore a structured way to approach and dismantle problems with a view toward optimum outcomes.

Applying the techniques of critical thinking allows you to dismantle complex problems and to understand the inputs and implications of your thought processes. By applying problem analysis and good practices you'll be able to develop positions and arrive at decisions that are logical and explicable to others. After completing the course, you'll understand why most decisions are of poor quality and be able to impose quality controls on both your decisions and the decisions of others.


After you complete this course you will be able to understand:

  • Natural barriers to sound reasoning
  • Bias and assumptions in problem analysis
  • Thought processes and reasoning
  • Analytical techniques for comparing alternative solutions
  • Structure, standards, and ethics of critical thinking
  • Problem analysis best practices

Hands-On Exercises:

  • Evaluate the strategic thinking of others
  • Assess the reasoning of others
  • Problem solving by starting with restatement of the issues
  • Problem solving from a number of different perspectives
  • Identify decision-making factors
  • Creativity and the decision-making process
  • Structure the analytical process with a matrix
  • Evaluate decision options using probabilities
  • Compare options using paired ranking


This course is aimed at any professional who is new to formal problem analysis, including: department managers, directors, supervisors, project managers, IT project managers, project coordinators, project analysts, project leaders, senior project managers, team leaders, product managers, program managers, associate project managers, stakeholders, team members, and all others responsible for resource allocations.


Recommended preparation for exam(s):

  • N/A


Introduction to Decision Making

  • What's a Decision?
  • High Quality vs. Low Quality Decisions
  • Becoming a Better Decision-Maker

Barriers to Brilliant Decisions

  • Instinctive Decision-Making
  • Barriers to Sound Reasoning
  • Outlook vs. Reality

Critical Thinking

  • What Is Critical Thinking?
  • Structures of Thinking
  • Thinking with Standards
  • Sophistry and Intellectual Ethics

Problem Analysis Guidelines

  • Opening the Mind
  • 10 Best Practice Guidelines
  • Structuring Techniques
  • Putting It All Together

The Decision

  • Who Decides?
  • Who Should Decide?
  • Take Home Message
Durchschnittliche Bewertung für Critical Thinking Problem Solving and Decision Making [GK2895]
Berechnet aus 1 Bewertung
Simone Pedroso Albuquerque
Applicatie Consultant E (CLA) (3085008668)
Critical Thinking Problem Solving and Decision Making [GK2895]

"De topic en de structure waren goed. Ik vind altijd lastig om in mixed classroom te werken (online + presential), maar de leraress halde de beste met use cases van alle deelnemers." - 23.10.2024 15:40

"De topic en de structure waren goed. Ik vind altijd lastig om in mixed classroom te werken (online + presential), maar de leraress halde de … Gesamte Bewertung lesen - 23.10.2024 15:40

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